List of Common Names with vieille

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Language Country Species Type
Vieille anana French Seychelles Cephalopholis sonnerati Vernacular
Vieille ananas French Seychelles Cephalopholis miniata Vernacular
Vieille ananas French Seychelles Cephalopholis sonnerati Vernacular
Vieille babonne French Seychelles Plectropomus punctatus Vernacular
Vieille cecille French Seychelles Cephalopholis argus Vernacular
Vieille cécille French Seychelles Cephalopholis argus Vernacular
Vieille chat French Seychelles Epinephelus macrospilos Vernacular
Vieille chat French Seychelles Epinephelus faveatus Vernacular
Vieille crabbe French Seychelles Epinephelus fuscoguttatus Vernacular
Vieille cuisinier French Seychelles Epinephelus coeruleopunctatus Vernacular
Vieille machatta French Seychelles Epinephelus fuscoguttatus Vernacular
Vieille maconde French Seychelles Epinephelus areolatus Vernacular
Vieille maconde French Seychelles Epinephelus chlorostigma Vernacular
Vieille plat canal French Seychelles Grammistes sexlineatus Vernacular
Vieille plate French Seychelles Epinephelus flavocaeruleus Vernacular
Vieille plate canal French Seychelles Grammistes sexlineatus Vernacular
Vieille platte French Seychelles Epinephelus summana Vernacular
Vieille rouge French Seychelles Epinephelus fasciatus Vernacular
Vieille rouge French Seychelles Cephalopholis miniata Vernacular
Vieille rouge French Trinidad Tobago Epinephelus morio Vernacular
Vieille commune French USA Labrus bergylta Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12