List of Common Names with vieille

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Language Country Species Type
Vieille rouillée French France Cephalopholis aitha FAO old
Vieille saignante French France Polylepion cruentum FAO old
Vielle six tâches French France Cephalopholis sexmaculata FAO old
Vieille tachetée French France Cheilinus fasciatus FAO old
Vieille triple queue French France Cheilinus trilobatus FAO old
Vielle ananas French Global Cephalopholis sonnerati FAO old
Vielle d'Arabie French Global Cephalopholis hemistiktos FAO old
Vielle fraise French Global Cephalopholis spiloparaea FAO old
Vielle la prude French Global Cephalopholis argus FAO old
Petite vieille French France Centrolabrus exoletus Vernacular
Poisson-ange vieille femme French France Pomacanthus rhomboides Vernacular
Vieille French France Symphodus bailloni Vernacular
Vieille abeille French France Epinephelus miliaris Vernacular
Vieille ailes noires French France Cephalopholis urodeta Vernacular
Vieille chocolat French France Cephalopholis boenak Vernacular
Vieille commune French France Labrus bergylta Vernacular
Vieille coquette French France Cichlasoma bimaculatum Vernacular
Vieille cuisinier French France Cephalopholis argus Vernacular
Vieille étoilée French France Cephalopholis miniata Vernacular
Vieille femme French France Enoplosus armatus Vernacular
Vieille plate French France Epinephelus flavocaeruleus Vernacular
Vieille Rogaa French France Aethaloperca rogaa Vernacular
Vieille rouge French France Epinephelus fasciatus Vernacular
Vieille ananas French Djibouti Cephalopholis sonnerati Vernacular
Vieille balayette French Djibouti Cheilinus lunulatus Vernacular
Vieille cuisinier French Djibouti Cephalopholis argus Vernacular
Vieille d'Arabie French Djibouti Cephalopholis hemistiktos Vernacular
Vieille dorée French Djibouti Cephalopholis aurantia Vernacular
Vieille plate grise French Djibouti Epinephelus multinotatus Vernacular
Vieille French Guadeloupe Epinephelus adscensionis Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12