List of Common Names with tai

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Language Country Species Type
Whitetail shiner English USA Cyprinella galactura AFS
Yellowtail angelfish English USA Apolemichthys xanthurus AFS
Yellowtail barracuda English USA Sphyraena flavicauda AFS
Yellowtail bass English USA Bathyanthias mexicanus AFS
Yellowtail clownfish English USA Amphiprion clarkii AFS
Yellowtail croaker English USA Austronibea oedogenys AFS
Yellowtail damselfish English USA Microspathodon chrysurus AFS
Yellowtail dascyllus English USA Dascyllus flavicaudus AFS
Yellowtail flounder English USA Myzopsetta ferruginea AFS
Yellowtail hamlet English USA Hypoplectrus chlorurus AFS
Yellowtail horse mackerel English USA Trachurus novaezelandiae AFS
Yellowtail parrotfish English USA Sparisoma rubripinne AFS
Yellowtail rasbora English USA Rasbora dusonensis AFS
Yellowtail reeffish English USA Chromis enchrysurus AFS
Yellowtail rockfish English USA Sebastes flavidus AFS
Yellowtail scad English USA Atule mate AFS
Yellowtail snapper English USA Ocyurus chrysurus AFS
Yellowtail tetra English USA Alestopetersius caudalis AFS
Zebratail blenny English USA Hypleurochilus caudovittatus AFS
Blacktail pike-conger English USA Hoplunnis diomediana AFS old
Fantail mullet English USA Mugil trichodon AFS old
Flagtail prochilodus English USA Semaprochilodus insignis AFS old
Splittail bass English USA Hemanthias signifer AFS old
Tripletail English USA Lobotes surinamensis AFS old
Yellow swordtail English USA Xiphophorus clemenciae AFS old
Yellowtail English USA Seriola lalandi AFS old
Black scissortail English Australia Rasbora trilineata Aquarium
Redtail rasbora English Australia Rasbora caudimaculata Aquarium
Redtail rasbora English Australia Rasbora borapetensis Aquarium
Redtail shark English Australia Epalzeorhynchos bicolor Aquarium
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