List of Common Names with tai

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Language Country Species Type
Spottedtail morwong English USA Goniistius zonatus AFS
Spottedtail turbot English USA Psettodes belcheri AFS
Squaretail kob English USA Argyrosomus thorpei AFS
Squaretail mullet English USA Ellochelon vaigiensis AFS
Stripetail darter English USA Etheostoma kennicotti AFS
Stripetail rockfish English USA Sebastes saxicola AFS
Swallowtail bass English USA Anthias woodsi AFS
Swallowtail dart English USA Trachinotus coppingeri AFS
Swallowtail hawfish English USA Cyprinocirrhites polyactis AFS
Swallowtail shiner English USA Miniellus procne AFS
Swordtail characin English USA Corynopoma riisei AFS
Swordtail jawfish English USA Lonchopisthus micrognathus AFS
Taillight shiner English USA Notropis maculatus AFS
Tailspot corydoras English USA Corydoras caudimaculatus AFS
Tailspot ctenopoma English USA Ctenopoma kingsleyae AFS
Tailspot tetra English USA Bryconops caudomaculatus AFS
Taimen English USA Hucho taimen AFS
Taiwan tai English USA Argyrops bleekeri AFS
Tapertail ribbonfish English USA Trachipterus fukuzakii AFS
Thicktail chub English USA Gila crassicauda AFS
Threadtail conger English USA Uroconger syringinus AFS
Twostripe lyretail English USA Aphyosemion bivittatum AFS
Whiptail banjo catfish English USA Platystacus cotylephorus AFS
Whiptail catfish English USA Farlowella acus AFS
Whiptail conger English USA Rhynchoconger gracilior AFS
Whiptail ribbonfish English USA Desmodema lorum AFS
White cloud mountain fish English USA Tanichthys albonubes AFS
Whitetail angelfish English USA Centropyge fisheri AFS
Whitetail chromis English USA Pycnochromis leucurus AFS
Whitetail dascyllus English USA Dascyllus aruanus AFS
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12