List of Common Names with tai

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Language Country Species Type
Montezuma swordtail English USA Xiphophorus montezumae AFS
Mountain barbel English USA Amphilius platychir AFS
Mountain brook lamprey English USA Ichthyomyzon greeleyi AFS
Mountain madtom English USA Noturus eleutherus AFS
Mountain mullet English USA Dajaus monticola AFS
Mountain redbelly dace English USA Chrosomus oreas AFS
Mountain shiner English USA Lythrurus lirus AFS
Mountain sucker English USA Catostomus platyrhynchus AFS
Mountain whitefish English USA Prosopium williamsoni AFS
Orangetail shiner English USA Pteronotropis merlini AFS
Pacific redtail scad English USA Decapterus kurroides AFS
Pacific tripletail English USA Lobotes pacifica AFS
Pacific whiptail stingray English USA Styracura pacifica AFS
Paletail chromis English USA Chromis xanthura AFS
Pinktail chalceus English USA Chalceus macrolepidotus AFS
Planetail firefish English USA Pterois russelii AFS
Pygmy swordtail English USA Xiphophorus pygmaeus AFS
Redtail butterflyfish English USA Chaetodon collare AFS
Redtail chub English USA Nocomis effusus AFS
Redtail notho English USA Nothobranchius guentheri AFS
Redtail parrotfish English USA Sparisoma chrysopterum AFS
Redtail scad English USA Decapterus tabl AFS
Redtail sharkminnow English USA Epalzeorhynchos bicolor AFS
Redtail splitfin English USA Xenotoca eiseni AFS
Redtail surfperch English USA Amphistichus rhodoterus AFS
Redtail surgeonfish English USA Acanthurus achilles AFS
Redtail triggerfish English USA Xanthichthys mento AFS
Ringtail pike cichlid English USA Crenicichla saxatilis AFS
Ringtail snailfish English USA Liparis rutteri AFS
Ringtail surgeonfish English USA Acanthurus blochii AFS
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12