List of Common Names with tai

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Language Country Species Type
Bandtail searobin English USA Prionotus ophryas AFS
Bandtail tetra English USA Moenkhausia dichroura AFS
Barredtail corydoras English USA Corydoras cochui AFS
Barredtail pearlfish English USA Notholebias minimus AFS
Bartail goby English USA Coryphopterus thrix AFS
Bigeye squaretail English USA Tetragonurus atlanticus AFS
Blacktail angelfish English USA Centropyge eibli AFS
Blacktail butterflyfish English USA Chaetodon austriacus AFS
Blacktail moray English USA Gymnothorax kolpos AFS
Blacktail pikeconger English USA Hoplunnis diomediana AFS
Blacktail redhorse English USA Moxostoma poecilurum AFS
Blacktail shiner English USA Cyprinella venusta AFS
Blacktail snailfish English USA Careproctus melanurus AFS
Blacktail snapper English USA Lutjanus fulvus AFS
Blue lyretail English USA Fundulopanchax gardneri AFS
Bluetail goodea English USA Ataeniobius toweri AFS
Bluetail mullet English USA Moolgarda buchanani AFS
Bonytail English USA Gila elegans AFS
Broomtail grouper English USA Mycteroperca xenarcha AFS
Cape straptail English USA Macruronus capensis AFS
Captainfish English USA Pseudotolithus senegalensis AFS
Caribbean whiptail stingray English USA Styracura schmardae AFS
Ceylonese combtail English USA Belontia signata AFS
Clear Lake splittail English USA Pogonichthys ciscoides AFS
Duskytail darter English USA Etheostoma percnurum AFS
Filetail cat shark English USA Parmaturus xaniurus AFS
Fantail darter English USA Etheostoma flabellare AFS
Fantail mullet English USA Mugil trichodon AFS
Fantail sole English USA Xystreurys liolepis AFS
Flagtail catfish English USA Dianema urostriatum AFS
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12