List of Common Names with tai

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Language Country Species Type
Perroquet capitaine French France Chlorurus enneacanthus FAO old
Rite éventail French France Xystreurys liolepis FAO old
Barbo plateado de Tailandia Spanish Spain Barbonymus gonionotus FAO old
Atlantic tripletail English UK Lobotes surinamensis FAO old
Thintail thresher English UK Alopias vulpinus FAO old
Bandtail frogfish English Global Antennatus strigatus FAO old
Bandtail searobin English Global Prionotus ophryas FAO old
Barred flagtail English Global Kuhlia mugil FAO old
Bigeye squaretail English Global Tetragonurus atlanticus FAO old
Blacktail reef shark English Global Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos FAO Old
Blotched fantail ray English Global Taeniurops meyeni FAO old
Bluespotted ribbontail ray English Global Taeniura lymma FAO old
Bluetail mullet English Global Moolgarda buchanani FAO old
Butterfly whiptail English Global Pentapodus setosus FAO old
Captain parrotfish English Global Chlorurus enneacanthus FAO old
Darktail lamprey English Global Lethenteron alaskense FAO Old
Dwarf scissortail rasbora English Global Rasbosoma spilocerca FAO old
Fantail mullet English Global Paramugil georgii FAO old
Fintail serpent eel English Global Neenchelys buitendijki FAO old
Flat-tail mullet English Global Gracilimugil argenteus FAO old
Forktail large-eye bream English Global Gymnocranius elongatus FAO old
Fork-tailed threadfin bream English Global Nemipterus furcosus FAO old
Ganges hairtail English Global Trichiurus gangeticus FAO old
Goldentail moray English Global Gymnothorax miliaris FAO old
Goldtail angelfish English Global Pomacanthus chrysurus FAO old
Greater scissortail English Global Rasbora caudimaculata FAO old
Hardtail conger English Global Gnathophis cinctus FAO old
Japanese whiptail English Global Pentapodus nagasakiensis FAO old
Keeltail needlefish English Global Platybelone platyura FAO old
Keeltail needlefish English Global Platybelone annobonensis FAO old
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12