List of Common Names with tai

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Language Country Species Type
White-edged lyretail English Global Variola albimarginata FAO
Whitetail dascyllus English Global Dascyllus aruanus FAO
Whitetail dogfish English Global Scymnodalatias albicauda FAO
Yellow-edged lyretail English Global Variola louti FAO
Yellowtail amberjack English Global Seriola lalandi FAO
Yellowtail barracuda English Global Sphyraena flavicauda FAO
Yellowtail bass English Global Bathyanthias mexicanus FAO
Yellowtail blue snapper English Global Paracaesio xanthura FAO
Yellowtail clownfish English Global Amphiprion clarkii FAO
Yellowtail croaker English Global Austronibea oedogenys FAO
Yellowtail demoiselle English Global Neopomacentrus azysron FAO
Yellowtail dottyback English Global Pseudochromis linda FAO
Yellowtail emperor English Global Lethrinus crocineus FAO
Yellowtail flounder English Global Myzopsetta ferruginea FAO
Yellowtail hamlet English Global Hypoplectrus chlorurus FAO
Yellowtail horse mackerel English Global Trachurus novaezelandiae FAO
Yellowtail rockfish English Global Sebastes flavidus FAO
Yellowtail sardinella English Global Sardinella rouxi FAO
Yellowtail scad English Global Atule mate FAO
Yellowtail snapper English Global Ocyurus chrysurus FAO
Yellowtail tang English Global Zebrasoma xanthurum FAO
Yellowtail tubelip English Global Diproctacanthus xanthurus FAO
Zonetail butterfly ray English Global Gymnura zonura FAO
Pale threadtail snipe eel English Global Nemichthys curvirostris FAO cat
Shortgut fintail snipe eel English Global Labichthys carinatus FAO Cat
Southern fintail snipe eel English Global Avocettina acuticeps FAO cat
Shorttail skate English UK Amblyraja jenseni FAO ctry
Taiwan gulper shark English UK Centrophorus granulosus FAO ctry
Demi-bec capitaine French France Hyporhamphus snyderi FAO old
Pastenague éventail French France Taeniurops meyeni FAO old
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12