List of Common Names with remo

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Language Country Species Type
Remong Malay Malaysia Caesio teres Vernacular
Remora English Malaysia Echeneis naucrates Vernacular
White-tailed remora English Malaysia Echeneis naucrates Vernacular
Rémora French Maldives Echeneis naucrates Vernacular
Remora Maltese Malta Remora remora Vernacular
Remora komuni Maltese Malta Remora remora Vernacular
Remora tal-faxx Maltese Malta Echeneis naucrates Vernacular
Remora tal-faxx iswed Maltese Malta Echeneis naucrates Vernacular
Remol Spanish Mauritania Bothus podas Vernacular
Rémora French Mauritius Echeneis naucrates Vernacular
Rémora ballenera Spanish Mexico Remora australis Vernacular
Rémora blanca Spanish Mexico Remora albescens Vernacular
Rémora chupadora Spanish Mexico Phtheirichthys lineatus Vernacular
Rémora gris Spanish Mexico Remora brachyptera Vernacular
Rémora marlinera Spanish Mexico Remora osteochir Vernacular
Rémora tiburonera Spanish Mexico Remora remora Vernacular
Rémora tiburonera Spanish Mexico Echeneis naucrates Vernacular
Eremorog Dutch Netherlands Bathyraja trachouros Vernacular
Cremole French Neth Antilles Mugil cephalus Vernacular
Poisson rémora French New Caledonia Remora osteochir Vernacular
Remora English New Zealand Remora remora Vernacular
Slender remora English New Zealand Phtheirichthys lineatus Vernacular
Remora Spanish Nicaragua Remora remora Vernacular
Remora Spanish Nicaragua Echeneis naucrates Vernacular
Remora English Micronesia Remora remora Vernacular
Remochel Palauan Palau Epinephelus fuscoguttatus Vernacular
Brown remora English Papua New Guinea Remora remora Vernacular
Remora English Papua New Guinea Remora remora Vernacular
Rémora Spanish Peru Remora remora Vernacular
Rémora blanca Spanish Peru Remora albescens Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12