List of Common Names with oof

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Language Country Species Type
Boofhead carp gudgeon English Australia Hypseleotris bucephala Vernacular
Boofhead catfish English Australia Bleekeriella leptaspis Vernacular
Hoofjaw English Australia Oplegnathus woodwardi Vernacular
Must tsentroloof Estonian Estonia Centrolophus niger Vernacular
Soof-e-hajitarkhan Persian Iran Perca fluviatilis Vernacular
Soof-e-maamooli Persian Iran Sander lucioperca Vernacular
Oofo Aizi Ivory coast Sardinella maderensis Vernacular
Sponshoofdkathaai Dutch Netherlands Apristurus spongiceps Vernacular
Foofo Carolinian North. Marianas Elagatis bipinnulata Vernacular
Coof Wolof Senegal Epinephelus aeneus Vernacular
Kaalhoof-dikkop Afrikaans South Africa Fusigobius duospilus Vernacular
Roof-bottelneus Afrikaans South Africa Mormyrops anguilloides Vernacular
Oof Scots UK Scotland Lophius piscatorius Vernacular
Woof Scots UK Scotland Eutrigla gurnardus Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12