List of Common Names with oblique-banded

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Language Country Species Type
Oblique-banded grouper English Global Epinephelus radiatus FAO
Oblique-banded snapper English Global Pristipomoides zonatus FAO
Oblique-banded cardinalfish English Australia Apogon semiornatus Vernacular
Oblique-banded snapper English Australia Pristipomoides zonatus Vernacular
Oblique-banded sweetlips English Australia Plectorhinchus lineatus Vernacular
Oblique-banded trevally English Sri Lanka Craterognathus plagiotaenia Vernacular
Oblique-banded trevally English India Carangichthys oblongus Vernacular
Oblique-banded grouper English Indonesia Epinephelus radiatus Vernacular
Oblique-banded sweetlips English Indonesia Plectorhinchus lineatus Vernacular
Oblique-banded grouper English Malaysia Epinephelus radiatus Vernacular
Oblique-banded snapper English Malaysia Pristipomoides zonatus Vernacular
Oblique-banded trevally English Malaysia Craterognathus plagiotaenia Vernacular
Oblique-banded snapper English Papua New Guinea Pristipomoides zonatus Vernacular
Oblique-banded rockcod English South Africa Epinephelus radiatus Vernacular
Oblique-banded English UK Craterognathus plagiotaenia Vernacular
Oblique-banded grouper English Hawaii Epinephelus radiatus Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12