List of Common Names with mureena

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Language Country Species Type
Mustkihv-mureenangerjas Estonian Estonia Myroconger nigrodentatus Vernacular
Pikk mureenangerjas Estonian Estonia Myroconger prolixus Vernacular
Punane mureenangerjas Estonian Estonia Myroconger compressus Vernacular
Sale mureenangerjas Estonian Estonia Myroconger gracilis Vernacular
SeiĊĦelli mureenangerjas Estonian Estonia Myroconger seychellensis Vernacular
Aaltomureena Finnish Finland Gymnothorax undulatus Vernacular
Jaavannumureena Finnish Finland Gymnothorax javanicus Vernacular
Kalifornianmureena Finnish Finland Gymnothorax mordax Vernacular
Kennomureena Finnish Finland Gymnothorax pictus Vernacular
Ketjumureena Finnish Finland Echidna catenata Vernacular
Kirjomureena Finnish Finland Gymnothorax flavimarginatus Vernacular
Kultamureena Finnish Finland Gymnothorax tile Vernacular
Mureena Finnish Finland Muraena helena Vernacular
Mustanauhamureena Finnish Finland Rhinomuraena quaesita Vernacular
Pantterimureena Finnish Finland Gymnothorax flavimarginatus Vernacular
Pikkumureena Finnish Finland Gymnothorax meleagris Vernacular
Puikkomureena Finnish Finland Enchelycore nigricans Vernacular
Ripsumureena Finnish Finland Gymnothorax fimbriatus Vernacular
Sokkelomureena Finnish Finland Gymnothorax favagineus Vernacular
Susimureena Finnish Finland Enchelynassa canina Vernacular
Tähtimureena Finnish Finland Echidna nebulosa Vernacular
Täplämureena Finnish Finland Gymnothorax moringa Vernacular
Tummamureena Finnish Finland Gymnothorax afer Vernacular
Valemureena Finnish Finland Kaupichthys hyoproroides Vernacular
Valkoleukamureena Finnish Finland Echidna leucotaenia Vernacular
Vihermureena Finnish Finland Gymnothorax funebris Vernacular
Vyömureena Finnish Finland Echidna polyzona Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12