List of Common Names for Merou noir

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Language Country Species Type
Mérou noir French Global Epinephelus marginatus FAO
Mérou noir French Cameroon Epinephelus caninus Vernacular
Mérou noir French Congo Epinephelus caninus Vernacular
Mérou noir French Congo Dem Rp Epinephelus caninus Vernacular
Mérou noir French Benin Epinephelus caninus Vernacular
Mérou noir French France Aethaloperca rogaa Vernacular
Mérou noir French France Epinephelus caninus Vernacular
Mérou noir French Gabon Epinephelus caninus Vernacular
Mérou noir French Ivory coast Epinephelus caninus Vernacular
Merou noir French Maldives Aethaloperca rogaa Vernacular
Mérou noir French Mauritania Epinephelus caninus Vernacular
Mérou noir French Togo Epinephelus caninus Vernacular
Mérou noir French Tunisia Epinephelus caninus Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12