List of Common Names with luke

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Language Country Species Type
Fluke English USA Paralichthys lethostigma Market
Fluke English USA Paralichthys dentatus Market
Fluke English USA Platichthys flesus Market
Lukenda Luba-Kasai Angola Schilbe grenfelli Vernacular
Luke German Germany Leuciscus leuciscus Vernacular
Lükes Prachtgrundkärpfling German Germany Nothobranchius luekei Vernacular
Thullukendai Tamil India Nemipterus japonicus Vernacular
Fluke English UK Platichthys flesus Vernacular
Garve fluke English UK Limanda limanda Vernacular
Plaice-fluke English UK Pleuronectes platessa Vernacular
Sweet fluke English UK Microstomus kitt Vernacular
White fluke English UK Platichthys flesus Vernacular
Bannock fluke Scots UK Scotland Scophthalmus maximus Vernacular
Bastard fluke Scots UK Scotland Scophthalmus rhombus Vernacular
Beggar fluke Scots UK Scotland Platichthys flesus Vernacular
Beggar fluke Scots UK Scotland Pleuronectes platessa Vernacular
Bonnet fluke Scots UK Scotland Scophthalmus rhombus Vernacular
Bonnet fluke Scots UK Scotland Scophthalmus maximus Vernacular
Craig fluke Scots UK Scotland Platichthys flesus Vernacular
Fluke Scots UK Scotland Platichthys flesus Vernacular
Glass fluke Scots UK Scotland Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis Vernacular
Gunner fluke Scots UK Scotland Scophthalmus maximus Vernacular
Lang fluke Scots UK Scotland Limanda limanda Vernacular
Plash fluke Scots UK Scotland Pleuronectes platessa Vernacular
Prain fluke Scots UK Scotland Limanda limanda Vernacular
Rawn fluke Scots UK Scotland Scophthalmus maximus Vernacular
Rodden fluke Scots UK Scotland Scophthalmus maximus Vernacular
Rough back fluke Scots UK Scotland Limanda limanda Vernacular
Sail fluke Scots UK Scotland Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis Vernacular
Sand fluke Scots UK Scotland Microstomus kitt Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12