List of Common Names with las

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Language Country Species Type
Alaska blackfish English USA Dallia pectoralis AFS
Alaska eelpout English USA Bothrocara pusillum AFS
Alaska plaice English USA Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus AFS
Alaska skate English USA Arctoraja parmifera AFS
Alaskan brook lamprey English USA Lethenteron alaskense AFS
Alaskan lumpsucker English USA Eumicrotremus gyrinops AFS
Alaskan ronquil English USA Bathymaster caeruleofasciatus AFS
Atlantic cutlassfish English USA Trichiurus lepturus AFS
Bluelashed butterflyfish English USA Chaetodon bennetti AFS
California flashlightfish English USA Protomyctophum crockeri AFS
Glass barb English USA Parachela oxygastroides AFS
Glass blenny English USA Emblemariopsis diaphana AFS
Glass bloodfin English USA Prionobrama filigera AFS
Glass catfish English USA Kryptopterus bicirrhis AFS
Glass goby English USA Coryphopterus hyalinus AFS
Glass headstander English USA Charax gibbosus AFS
Glass knifefish English USA Eigenmannia virescens AFS
Glass schilbid English USA Parailia pellucida AFS
Glass tetra English USA Moenkhausia oligolepis AFS
Glasseye snapper English USA Heteropriacanthus cruentatus AFS
Glassy darter English USA Etheostoma vitreum AFS
Glassy sweeper English USA Pempheris schomburgkii AFS
Gulf flashlightfish English USA Phthanophaneron harveyi AFS
Indian glass barb English USA Laubuka laubuca AFS
Las Vegas Dace English USA Rhinichthys deaconi AFS
Slashcheek goby English USA Ctenogobius pseudofasciatus AFS
Splash tetra English USA Copella arnoldi AFS
Splitfin flashlightfish English USA Anomalops katoptron AFS
Striped glass catfish English USA Kryptopterus macrocephalus AFS
Pacific cutlassfish English USA Trichiurus lepturus AFS old
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