List of Common Names with lapina

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Language Country Species Type
Akantholapina Greek Greece Acantholabrus palloni Vernacular
Kokinolapina Greek Greece Symphodus mediterraneus Vernacular
Matolapina Greek Greece Symphodus ocellatus Vernacular
Mavromatolapina Greek Greece Symphodus melops Vernacular
Mavroourolapina Greek Greece Centrolabrus melanocercus Vernacular
Mytolapina Greek Greece Symphodus rostratus Vernacular
Taolapina Greek Greece Symphodus tinca Vernacular
Teniolapina Greek Greece Symphodus doderleini Vernacular
Tigrolapina Greek Greece Symphodus roissali Vernacular
Lapina Rumanian Romania Symphodus ocellatus Vernacular
Lapina Turkish Türkiye Symphodus tinca Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12