Biblio Entry Summary for Lophiodes triradiatus
Citation Ho, H.-C., K.K. Bineesh and K.V. Akhilesh, 2014, Rediscovery of Lophiodes triradiatus (Lloyd, 1909), a senior synonym of L. infrabrunneus Smith and Radcliffe (Lophiiformes: Lophiidae).. Zootaxa 3786(5):587-592.
Ref. 95584 Ho, H.-C., K.K. Bineesh and K.V. Akhilesh, 2014
Page 588;fig.1-2;tab.1
Named Used as Valid Lophiodes triradiatus
Locality Laccadive Sea, ZSI F878/1.
Distribution Known from southern India, northwestern Australia, the Philippines, South China Sea, East China Sea, Japan, and western Indian Ocean, 208-1,412 m.
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