Biblio Entry Summary for Labeobarbus marequensis
Αναφορά Lowenstein, J.H., T.W. Osmundson, S. Becker, R. Hanner and M.L.J. Stiassny, 2011, Incorporating DNA barcodes into a multi-year inventory of the fishes of the hyperdiverse Lower Congo River, with a multi-gene performance assessment of the genus Labeo as a case study.. Mitochondrial DNA, 22(S1):52-70.
Αναφ. 94750 Lowenstein, J.H., T.W. Osmundson, S. Becker, R. Hanner and M.L.J. Stiassny, 2011
Σελίδα 56
Named Used as Valid Labeobarbus marequensis
Σχόλιο Reported as Labeobarbus cf. marequensis.
Κατανομή Lower Congo River.
Επιστροφή στην αναζήτηση
Σχόλια & Διορθώσεις