Biblio Entry Summary for Garra chebera
Citation Habteselassie, R., E. Mikschi, H. Ahnelt and H. Waidbacher, 2010, Garra chebera, a new species of cyprinid fish from an isolated basin in Ethiopia (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).. Ann. Nat. Hist. Mus. Wien, B, 111: 43-53.
Ref. 84041 Habteselassie, R., E. Mikschi, H. Ahnelt and H. Waidbacher, 2010
Page 46;fig.2,3
Named Used as Valid Garra chebera
Comment original description of Garra chebera
Locality 'Dildil stream, tributary of Lake Womba, in Chebera-Churchura national park, some 12 kms south east of Genji village at 07°03'N and 36°48'E localities, Ethiopia'
Distribution Dildil stream, Lake Womba basin, Ethiopia
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