Biblio Entry Summary for Planiliza macrolepis
Citation Heil, C.A., P.M. Glibert, M.A. Al-Sarawi, M. Faraj, M. Behbehani and M. Husain, 2001, First record of a fish-killing Gymnodinium sp. bloom in Kuwait Bay, Arabian Sea: chronology and potential causes.. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 214:15-23.
Ref. 66734 Heil, C.A., P.M. Glibert, M.A. Al-Sarawi, M. Faraj, M. Behbehani and M. Husain, 2001
Page 17;tab.1
Named Used as Valid Liza macrolepis
Distribution Kuwait Bay, Arabian Gulf.
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