Biblio Entry Summary for Micrognathus crinitus
Citation GuimarĂ£es, R.Z.P., 1999, Chromatic and morphologic variation in Halicampus crinitus (Jenyns) (Teleostei: Syngnathidae) from southeastern Brazil, with comments on its synonymy.. Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 26 (1-2):7-10.
Ref. 52313 GuimarĂ£es, R.Z.P., 1999
Page 7;fig.1-9
Named Used as Valid Halicampus crinitus
Distribution Bermuda and southern Florida south to the coast of Santa Catarina state, Brazil; including the coast of Central America, the Bahamas, the Greater and Lesser Antilles, and the coasts of Colombia and Venezuela
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