Biblio Entry Summary for Lobotes surinamensis
Citation Jefferson, A.E., M.B. Jargowsky, M.N. Schrandt, P.T. Cooper, S.P. Powers, J.J. Dindo and J.M. Drymon, 2021, Age, growth, and mortality of Atlantic tripletail in the North‐Central Gulf of Mexico.. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 13(3):183-199.
Ref. 128712 Jefferson, A.E., M.B. Jargowsky, M.N. Schrandt, P.T. Cooper, S.P. Powers, J.J. Dindo and J.M. Drymon, 2021
Page 196
Named Used as Valid Lobotes surinamensis
Distribution North-Central Gulf of Mexico.
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