Biblio Entry Summary for Neolamprologus brichardi
Citation Tsuboi, M., A. Husby, A. Kotrschal, A. Hayward, S.D. Büchel, J. Zidar, H. Løvlie and N. Kolm, 2015, Comparative support for the expensive tissue hypothesis: big brains are correlated with smaller gut and greater parental investment in Lake Tanganyika cichlids.. Evolution 69(1):190-200.
Ref. 117407 Tsuboi, M., A. Husby, A. Kotrschal, A. Hayward, S.D. Büchel, J. Zidar, H. Løvlie and N. Kolm, 2015
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Named Used as Valid Neolamprologus brichardi
Distribution Lake Tanganyika, Zambia
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