Biblio Entry Summary for Dipturus intermedius
Citation Griffiths, A.M., D.W. Sims, S.P. Cotterell, Nagar, A. El, J.R. Ellis, A. Lynghammar, M. McHugh, F.C. Neat, N.G. Pade, N. Queiroz, Br Serra-Pereira, T. Rapp, V.J. Wearmouth and M.J. Genner, 2010, Molecular markers reveal spatially segregated cryptic species in a critically endangered fish; the common skate (Dipturus batis).. Proc. Royal Soc. B: Biol. Sci. 277:1497-1503.
Ref. 114424 Griffiths, A.M., D.W. Sims, S.P. Cotterell, Nagar, A. El, J.R. Ellis, A. Lynghammar, M. McHugh, F.C. Neat, N.G. Pade, N. Queiroz, Br Serra-Pereira, T. Rapp, V.J. Wearmouth and M.J. Genner, 2010
Named Used as Valid Dipturus intermedius
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