Culture System for Oreochromis niloticus
 Main ref.
 Name of Farm
 Brackishwater Aqua. Center, U.P. Visayas
 Altitude (m)
 Type of culture
 Sex (m)
 mixed sex
 Culture system
 experimental ponds
 Ponds fed w/ lime and CM.
 Production units
 Area (ha)
 Depth (m)
 Main water source
 Supplemental water source
Temp (0C)
Oxygen (mg/I)
Oxygen (%)
(mg/I CaCO3)
 Description of culture system
 Agricultural lime and chicken manure (CM) were initially applied at the rate of 2 ton/ha. Water was maintained at 60 cm depth.
 Nutrient inputs
 Main food
 in-situ production + added feed
 Feed quantity
 (% BW/D):
 Feed quality (% crued protein)
 Fertilizer input (N)
 Description of Nutrient input
 Artificial feeds (20% crude protein) was given 6 times a week at a rate of 6% of fish biomass. Feed composition was: rice bran, ipil-ipil (@Leucaena leucocephala@), leaf meal, corn meal, fishmeal, soybean meal, vegetable oil, vitamin premix and shrimp head meal.
 Unit cycle
 Production period
 Production cycle