Culture System for Oreochromis niloticus
 Main ref.
 Saudi Arabia
 Name of Farm
 KACST Fish Culture Project, Riyadh
 Altitude (m)
 Type of culture
 Sex (m)
 mixed sex
 Culture system
 experimental static tanks
 Added drainage water.
 Production units
 Area (ha)
 Depth (m)
 Main water source
 Supplemental water source
Temp (0C)
Oxygen (mg/I)
Oxygen (%)
(mg/I CaCO3)
 Description of culture system
 Drainage water was pumped directly in the tanks. A flow-through system was maintained with a flow-rate of 1l/min/kg which is adjusted every two weeks.
 Nutrient inputs
 Main food
 only added feed
 Feed quantity
 (% BW/D):
 Feed quality (% crued protein)
 Fertilizer input (N)
 Description of Nutrient input
 A commercial feed with 34.2% dietary protein was fed to the fish at 3% body weight per day. Feeding was daily for the initial 4 weeks and rate was subsequently adjusted according to new biomass.
 Unit cycle
 Production period
 Production cycle